Site notice

Adam-Riese-Strasse 11-13
60327 Frankfurt

Registered Office: Frankfurt am Main
Registry Court: Frankfurt am Main, Comm. Reg. No. 50879
VAT ID No. DE 199861757

Board of Management: Dr. Philipp Nagl (Chairman of the Management Board and CEO), Jens Bergmann (Member of the Management Board for Finance and Controlling), Dr. Christian Gruss (Member of the Management Board for Sales and Scheduling), Heike Junge-Latz (Member of the Management Board for Facility and Maintenance Management), Ingrid Felipe (Member of the Management Board for Large-Scale Projects and Network Planning), Heinz Siegmund (Member of the Management Board for Human Resources)

Regulatory authority: Federal Railway Authority (Eisenbahn-Bundesamt), Heinemannstrasse 6, 53135 Bonn Germany.

Responsibility for content:
Amina Karam
Overall project management
Hammerbrookstrasse 44
20097 Hamburg

Concept and design:
die wegmeister gmbh

Please note the following legal information concerning the content and availability of this website (, copyright matters and links to other sites. Special terms and conditions apply to the use of products and services. These are explained separately.

The content of this website was created with the utmost care. However, DB InfraGO AG assumes no liability for the accuracy, comprehensiveness or topicality of the available content.

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DB InfraGO AG makes every effort to ensure that users can access this website without interruptions. Downtimes cannot, however, be ruled out. We reserve the right to change or discontinue this website at any time. DB InfraGO AG accepts no liability for connectivity issues caused by incorrectly created files or incorrect formatting, or for disruptions of another nature.

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Unless otherwise stated, the images used on this website come from our own sources.

Information on the copyright holders of the images used on this website can be found in the bottom right of an image.
If you discover an image which you believe infringes personal or third-party rights, please contact us immediately.

18.07.2024Construction site camera on section 1