Our project diary 

There's a lot happening when it comes to the planning and construction of the new S4. Our project diary keeps track of the latest developments and follows how the project is going. Personal views about this major undertaking are available from different members of the project team, who also explain the details of their work. It's a mine of interesting information. Enjoy!

Tuesday, 17. December 2024

Merry Christmas from the S4 Team!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

"I am delighted that I was able to take over the management of the S4 project this year. Together we can look back proudly on this year's progress. This includes, among other things, the hearing for construction phase 2, the start of the reconstruction of the Rahlstedt central bus station, the planning approval decision for the S4 individual measure Bargteheide, the start of the trial operation of the MetaWindows, the information evening on area & property management in construction phase 2 and many major and minor construction advances.

But I would particularly like to look ahead and concentrate on the upcoming goals in 2025. Here's to a good collaboration in the S4 team and with you, dear residents!" - Bernd Homfeldt, Head of S4 & General Overhaul Hamburg–Lübeck and Hamburg Central Station &  Verbindungsbahnentlastungstunnel

Monday, 16. December 2024

First things first, let’s get to know each other!

Teamworkshop November 2024

DB InfraGO

Team workshop at the ICE plant in Hamburg-Eidelstedt with the teams connecting railway relief tunnel and expansion of Hamburg Central Station

For us, a new project management means more than just a new manager, it also means many new colleagues. Bernd Homfeldt not only brought himself to the project, but also two existing teams. These are the connecting railway relief tunnel team and the Hamburg main station expansion team. It was therefore urgently necessary for us to get to know each other and our projects. It was time for a team workshop.

Tuesday, 3. December 2024

Information Evening on Area & Property Management in Section 2 

Presentation on area & property management

DB InfraGO

Presentation by the area & property management team at the area & property management information evening at the UCI Cinema Wandsbek

On November 14, we welcomed local residents from Section 2 to our Area & Property Management Information Evening at the UCI Cinema in Wandsbek. Around 160 property owners and residents attended, listening to our presentation on area and property management followed by a Q&A session. Alongside the area and property management team, experts in technical planning, environmental matters, stakeholder management, and property valuation were also on hand. 

Thursday, 7. November 2024

A warm welcome, Bernd Homfeldt!

Bernd Homfeldt


We warmly welcome Bernd Homfeldt as our new General Director!

We are delighted to welcome Bernd Homfeldt as the new head of the S4 suburban railway line and the general overhaul of Hamburg–Lübeck as well as Hamburg Central Station and the Verbindungsbahnentlastungstunnel as of 1 November!

With his extensive experience at Deutsche Bahn and his enthusiasm for innovative projects in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein, he will support the project team in realising our visions and achieving many milestones in construction and planning.

Bernd Homfeldt has worked for Deutsche Bahn for remarkable 47 years and has already managed and driven forward impressive, forward-looking (major) projects in the past, such as the electrification of the Hamburg–Lübeck-Travemünde railway line or the rail link to the Fehmarnbeltquerung. As a true Schleswig-Hosteiner, Homfeldt already knows the region very well, and not just through past projects.

We look forward to working together!

Friday, 1. November 2024

Invitation to the information evening on area management in construction section 2

Invitation information evening

We look forward to welcoming you to our information evening on area management!

Construction work on the first section of the S4 S-Bahn line has been underway since 2021. Now construction section 2 is also set to progress. But before we start the construction work, we would like to talk to you and inform you about the upcoming area utilisation and associated processes in construction section 2, because: Most of the land required for the construction of the S4 and the associated statutory compensation and replacement measures is privately owned. Deutsche Bahn is compensating the owners and leaseholders of these areas for the respective type of area utilisation.

We would like to explain what is involved at an information evening on area management on Thursday, 14 November 2024 at 6 pm in Room 7 of the UCI Kino Wandsbek, Friedrich-Ebert-Damm 134, 22047 Hamburg.

The space management team will explain the terminology and processes involved in space management and answer any questions you may have. Please note that this event is purely for information and direct dialogue with you and that no individual cases can be discussed or negotiated.

"Area management is one of the basic building blocks in a project such as the S4. In order to work together with you as early and transparently as possible, we cordially invite you to ask us any questions you may have. We look forward to talking to you!" 
– Amina Karam, former General Director S-Line S4 & General Overhaul Hamburg-Lübeck

Wednesday, 30. October 2024

Au Revoir Amina! – Thank you for four years of great cooperation, we will miss you...!

Abschied AK


We say thank you for four years of outstanding work that have made the S4 a flagship project.

Today, we are bidding farewell to our esteemed General Project Director Amina Karam, who has supported us with great commitment, expertise and cooperation over the past four years. Together, we have achieved many important milestones and notable successes that would not have been possible without her tireless commitment and foresight.

Friday, 25. October 2024

Strong Signal for Railway Project in the North: S4 receives funding for the next construction phase & starts trial operation of the transparent noise barriers

PI MetaWindow


DB Management Representative Ute Plambeck, Hamburg Transport Senator Anjes Tjarks, General Project Director Amina Karam and Schleswig-Holstein's Minister for Economic Affairs and Transport Claus Ruhe Madsen (from left to right) in front of the MetaWindow on the S4 construction site

The federal government is currently investing more money in the railway than ever before. This is now also benefiting the S4 railway project: the federal government has delivered an official preliminary funding decision for 597 million euros, thereby sending an important signal for rail expansion in northern Germany. The money will go towards the second construction phase, which runs from Luetkensallee to the Hamburg/Schleswig-Holstein state border and includes the construction of two new stops, Pulverhof and Holstenhofweg, as well as several overpasses and subways. Construction work will start after the planning approval is received - probably at the beginning of 2025.

Monday, 21. October 2024

Tomorrow’s Civil and Industrial Engineers Visit the S4 Construction Site

Amina Karam und Ole Buschhüter


First-semester students of the TUHH visit the S4 construction site.

Amidst their orientation week activities, first-year students from the Technical University of Hamburg (TUHH) visited our construction site in Hasselbrook on October 16th. It was a chance for them to get an early glimpse of what a construction site looks like and to learn about the various steps required to bring a new S-Bahn line to life. Perhaps some of these first-year students will go on to lead major rail projects themselves in a couple of years.

Monday, 30. September 2024

A sunny Friday, 6 hours construction site and 45 interested guests – “Railway Day” at the S4

Amina Karam und Ole Buschhüter


Interested citizens explore the construction site together with the S4 team

On Friday, September 20th, as part of the nationwide “Tag der Schiene 2024” (Day of the Railway 2024), we organized three construction site tours in the first section of the future S-Bahn line S4 for the public. The demand was high, and the tours had been fully booked for weeks. However, more regular public tours are planned to occur soon, and we will, of course, keep you updated here.

Wednesday, 31. July 2024

Every year anew: General Director Amina Karam welcomes MdHB Ole Thorben Buschhüter to the S4 construction site

Amina Karam und Ole Buschhüter


Ole Thorben Buschhüter (SPD) MdHB and Amina Karam, General Director S-Line S4 & General Overhaul Hamburg-Lübeck at the construction site of the S-Line S4.

We had the pleasure of welcoming Ole Thorben Buschhüter (SPD) MdHB and his team to our construction site in Hasselbrook on 31 July 2024. As part of a regular exchange, Mr Buschhüter visits the construction site once a year to learn about the progress of the S4 project.

Friday, 26. July 2024

Together We Are Strong: Build the S4 with Us!

Engaging with the residents is a central and vital part of our mission. Our goal is to build the S4 railway line not just for the citizens, but with them. This means actively involving them in the project. We strive to explain what to expect and address their needs as much as possible. To achieve this, we offer exciting construction site tours, personal meetings, our interactive Info Train, as well as our email and citizen hotline.

Tuesday, 16. July 2024

Get up close - We celebrate the "Tag der Schiene 2024" with you!

Tag der Schiene

Tag der Schiene 2024

You have always wanted to experience the construction site of a major project up close? Then register now for one of our guided tours of the S-Line S4 construction site on "Tag der Schiene 2024"!

Wednesday, 3. July 2024

Milestone with Bargteheide:
S-Line S4 obtains planning approval decision 

After intensive dialogue, a successful hearing and constructive and cooperative collaboration with the town of Bargteheide and all other parties involved, we now hold the planning approval decision for the S4 Bargteheide individual measure in our hands.

Wednesday, 3. July 2024

More mobility for Rahlstedt

Press Photo Rahlstedt

Hamburger Hochbahn AG

Ute Plambeck, (Management Representative for the Federal States HH/SH), Thomas Ritzenhoff (Wandsbek District Head), Anjes Tjarks (Transport Senator) and Jens-Günter Lang (Technical Director of Hochbahn) at the current construction site at the Rahlstedt central bus station.

Rahlstedt is Hamburg's most populous district. This requires an efficient mobility service. In order to be able to offer this in the future, a new high-performance mobility hub will be built around Rahlstedt station in the coming years. Work on the bus system has just begun. The facility will be demolished and completely rebuilt by summer 2026. From the end of 2027, the new S-Bahn line 4 will also stop here. HOCHBAHN, Deutsche Bahn, the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg and the Wandsbek district are working closely together on this major joint project.

Monday, 1. July 2024

The S4 has been awarded - and now also with two prizes!

At the international congress of the ICPMA (International Construction Project Management Association) from June 22 to 25, the S4 urban rail line project in New York received two awards: for project management, public participation and communication as well as for one of the best presentation films.

Click here for the video.

S4 General Project Director Amina Karam: "I am very proud that our little S4 from Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein is now causing a sensation worldwide and here in the Big Apple. We are part of an international network. Together with the two states of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein, we will benefit greatly from these contacts. This award is something like the mobility Oscar in our industry. It motivates us for the tasks ahead and will give us a tailwind."

Thursday, 25. April 2024

Exploring Careers: Girls’Day Experience at S-Bahn Line S4

Girls’Day 2024 auf der Baustelle der S-Bahnlinie S4


Girls’Day 2024 on the construction site of the S4 S-Bahn line

We were delighted to welcome two very interested students on April 25th as part of Girls’Day!

Girls’Day is a nationwide orientation day for girls from 5th to 13th grade. The aim is to explore professions where the female representation is below 40%, or to meet women in leadership positions.

Wednesday, 24. April 2024

Milestone reached: Hearing for construction phase 2 completed

Group photo of DB and technical experts at the hearing of the S-Bahn line S4 for construction section 2


DB and technical experts at the hearing of the S-Bahn line S4 for construction section 2

On April 24, 2024, another significant milestone was reached in the construction of the S-Bahn line S4. On this Wednesday, we successfully concluded the hearing for the second construction section which extends from Luetkensallee to the border between Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein. The hearing lasted a total of three days and was characterized by intense exchange and dialogue with the participants. It was a non-public, oral hearing in accordance with the Hamburg Administrative Procedure Act, conducted by the Hamburg Authority for Economy and Innovation as the hearing authority. We were represented by numerous internal and external experts from Deutsche Bahn as the project developer, and we were able to discuss the interests of all those who submitted objections or statements. Participants included objectors, public interest entities, and authorities.

Wednesday, 10. April 2024

The S4-Team wishes a blessed Eid!


Tuesday, 9. April 2024

Hearing for the planning approval section 2

From April 22, 2024, the hearing authority will discuss all objections and comments on the plan and the changes to the plan for Section 2 with us as the project carrier, the authorities, public interest groups and the objectors. Section 2 of the S4 S-Bahn line project extends from Luetkensallee to the Hamburg/Schleswig-Holstein state border.

The hearing is an oral hearing within the meaning of the Hamburg Administrative Procedure Act and is not open to the public .

Only those persons who have submitted an objection or statement on Section 2 or a person authorized by these persons by means of a written declaration may attend. Participants may also be accompanied by a representative. Participants are required to show photo identification. Please note that expenses incurred through participation will not be reimbursed.

Further information on the hearing in PFA 2 can be found here. The Hamburg Authority for Economics and Innovation is responsible for organizing and conducting the hearing.

"At the hearing, we would like to discuss your objections and comments constructively with you in order to reach a good agreement for you and for the S4. I look forward to seeing you!"
- Amina Karam, General Director S-Line S4 & High-Performance-Corridor Hamburg-Lübeck

Wednesday, 27. March 2024

Happy Easter wishes the S4- Team!

Easter 2024

Monday, 25. March 2024

The S-Bahn line S4 at the Connecting Europe Days


From 2 to 5 April 2024 you will find us again at the Connecting Europe Days in Brussels.

The Connecting Europe Days are one of the largest European Union (EU) events on mobility, bringing together a wide range of participants and stakeholders from the EU and neighbouring third countries.

This year, ministers, politicians, representatives of the mobility and transport industry, interest groups and the European Commission, among others, will talk about and discuss concrete measures and proven strategies for a sustainable, resilient and smart transport and mobility network in Europe.

Monday, 11. March 2024

We wish you a peaceful Ramadan!


Friday, 26. January 2024

Visit from board member Ingrid Felipe during important track possession period






© DB InfraGO AG

On 18 January, our board member for infrastructure, planning, and projects, Ingrid Felipe, visited us during one of the most important track possession periods for our major S-Bahn line S4 project.

Friday, 26. January 2024

S4-Info Train now barrier-free

Barrierefreier Infozug

Pia Haskamp/DB InfraGO AG

The S4-Info Train is now barrier-free

We have great news at the start of the year! Since mid-November 2023, the S4 Info Train has also been barrier-free thanks to a specially constructed ramp, and as part of the construction of the S4 S-Bahn line, we will be equipping not only all new stations, but also tunnels and bridges with barrier-free access. Of course, our information train is also a must. It is now accessible to all visitors - regardless of individual mobility restrictions.

Wednesday, 17. January 2024

Integrated Project Alliance - Market Dialogue






© DB InfraGO AG

On 17 January 2024, we reached another milestone in our partnership-based implementation of the S-line S4. Following our market information in November last year, we have now entered into an active dialogue with many different construction companies. As part of our market dialogue, we have had intensive and constructive discussions about alliance packages and have thus taken a major step towards implementing the integrated project alliance. We would like to express our sincere thanks for the committed participation and the interesting input from the construction companies involved!

Monday, 1. January 2024

Highlights 2023

Tag der Schiene


Politischer Austausch

Melanie Bernstein/CDU

Die erste LSW

© DB InfraGO AG

Our S4 project is making progress! We look back on a year full of great happenings. The year 2023 was characterised by many highlights in the areas of construction, planning and public relations.

Wednesday, 13. December 2023

The S4-Team wishes Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

The year 2023 ends with important construction progress for our S4 - the first kilometers of track, including overhead lines and noise barriers, are already in place and in operation!

With this positive progress and the numerous milestones achieved, we would like to thank you very much for your cooperation this year and wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a good start to the New Year 2024!

Monday, 20. November 2023

First electricity pylons for new S4 in place

Pressetermin mit Senator Tjarks


Many media representatives came to see the current work on the construction site.

The construction work for the new S4 S-Bahn line is making great and visible progress. The focus is currently on the electrification of the future S-Bahn line and the construction of the new mainline railway line running alongside it. To this end, 13 new overhead line masts have already been erected and around 2,000 meters of contact wire installed in the area of the construction site between Hasselbrook station and Claudiusstraße. In total, the electrification of the S4 will require 30 new pylons and around 5,000 meters of cable. The S-Bahn trains in Hamburg run on 100 percent green electricity - this will also apply to the S4 from 2029. Since 2010, the Hamburg S-Bahn has saved more than one million tons of CO2 compared to the normal electricity mix. That is equivalent to the annual emissions of 95,000 cars.

Tuesday, 14. November 2023

Green perspectives: Start of early environmental measures

Neue Lebensräume für Natur und Tiere

DB InfraGO AG/Pia Haskamp

New habitats for nature and animals

The first preparatory measures for the second construction phase of the new S4 S-Bahn line are now underway! It will still be a while before the construction machines roll in - but we are already starting the early environmental compensation measures on a total of four sites in the districts of Wandsbek and Bergedorf this winter.

Tuesday, 7. November 2023

High-ranking visitors to the S4 construction site - Strong commitment to the mobility transition

Aktueller Baufortschritt S4


Current progress on the S4

In addition to energetic construction workers, prominent visitors were also on the S4 construction site on 7 November: Dr. Tina Wagner, Head of the Hamburg Authority for Transport and Mobility Transition (BVM) since summer 2023, and her predecessor Martin Huber, who has been in well-deserved retirement since the summer, were guests. Together with rail technology manager Armin Ismic and sub-project manager Janina Trampf, S4 overall project manager Amina Karam showed what is currently happening on the construction site.

During an extended walk along the future route, Karam proudly presented the brand new noise barriers, the overhead line masts, which are already towering high, as well as the retaining wall and the second track in the Horner Kurve area.

Monday, 6. November 2023

Public display of the plan amendment documents in PFA 2

The public display of the plan amendments in PFA 2 (Luetkensallee - Hamburg/ Schleswig-Holstein state border) will start on November 6, 2023. Citizens will have the opportunity to obtain information about the amended planning documents until December 5, 2023.

The documents will be available on Monday and Tuesday from 08:00 to 12:00 and Thursday from 08:00 to 16:00 in the foyer of the Bezirksamt Wandsbek, Zentrum für Wirtschaftsförderung, Bauen und Umwelt, Schloßgarten 9, 22041 Hamburg.

After the display, all affected parties have four weeks (until January 5, 2024) to submit objections to the plan amendments. These can be submitted in writing to the above-mentioned address of the Wandsbek district authority and to the hearing authority (Behörde für Wirtschaft und Innovation, Alter Steinweg 4, 20459 Hamburg). Objections and comments that have already been raised remain fully valid and do not need to be repeated - they remain part of the consideration process.

Further information can be found in our media library and from the planning approval authority.

Monday, 25. September 2023

Information on the display of documents in Section 3

On September 26, 2023, the display of the planning approval documents for Section 3 will begin. Up to and including October 25, 2023, you will have the opportunity to obtain information about the documents at the following locations and online here:

  • Ahrensburg – Peter Rantzau-Haus (1st floor, Manfred-Samusch-Straße 9, 22926 Ahrensburg): Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Bargteheide – Amt Bargteheide-Land (Room 211, Eckhorst 34, 22941 Bargteheide): Monday, Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. to noon, Tuesday 8 a.m. to noon and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., Wednesday closed
  • Großhansdorf – Town Hall, Großhansdorf Municipality (1st floor foyer, Barkholt 64, 22927 Großhansdorf): Monday from 9 a.m. to noon and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday from 9 a.m. to noon, Wednesday from 7:30 a.m. to noon, Thursday from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., Friday closed.

All citizens have two weeks (up to and including November 8, 2023) to submit objections.

Objections can only be submitted or sent in writing or in writing to the above-mentioned display locations or to the Ministry of Economics, Transport, Labor, Technology and Tourism of the State of Schleswig-Holstein (Office for Transport Planning Approval, Hopfenstraße 29, 24103 Kiel).

You can also find the documents for construction section 3 on our website here in the media centre. More information in our press information

Wednesday, 13. September 2023

S4-arena in Ahrensburg - communication at eye level

S4 Team


Overall Project manager Amina Karam and the S4-team

200 people from Ahrensburg came to the Peter-Rantzau-Haus in summery 30 degrees Celsius to discuss the most important topics of the S4. The main topics were: Noise protection, Stellmoor tunnel valley as well as construction logistics in the city. "My team and I take these issues very seriously. That's why we have developed alternative proposals that we believe will be an improvement for the citizens," explained overall project manager Amina Karam. The S4 is being built for the people, not against them.

From Karam's and DB's point of view, the aim of the evening was to get into a real conversation with the people of the city. To this end, DB designed a new dialog format. Chairs and bar tables were set up in a circle in the hall for the event's guests. Moderation and project management operated from the center of the hall. "We want to show people that we are talking to them at eye level. We succeeded very well in doing that," Karam explained. The exchange with the peple from Ahrensburg lasted two and a half hours - a marathon.

Monday, 4. September 2023

We celebrate the "Tag der Schiene 2023" together!

Tag der Schiene 2023

We would like to celebrate the "Tag der Schiene 2023" with you and cordially invite you to our event at the S4-Info Train. 

When?      Friday, 15 September, 1 to 6 p.m.
Where?           S4-Info Train, Hammer Straße, 22043 Hamburg

Wednesday, 23. August 2023

Event Invitation 

Einladung Auftaktveranstaltung

For more than two years, the first section of the S4 project from Hamburg-Altona to Bad Oldesloe has already been under construction. While we are already making great progress in the planning process of our second section this spring, things are now also moving forward in section 3!

In September, the hearing authority will officially open the planning approval procedure with the display of the documents for section 3. In order to inform you in advance about this as well as about all planning and construction, we would like to cordially invite you:

When? Thursday, 7 September 2023 between 5.30 and 8 p.m.
Where? Peter-Rantzau-Haus, Manfred-Samusch-Straße 9 in Ahrensburg

Wednesday, 26. July 2023

Political exchange in Bargteheide

MdB Austausch

Melanie Bernstein/CDU

Torsten Frehe, Gabriele Hettwer, Hans-Werner Harmuth, Melanie Bernstein, Amina Karam (l.t.r.) at the exchange in Bargteheide

DB representatives, local politicians and NAH.SH representatives met with Melanie Bernstein (CDU), Member of the Bundestag for the constituency of Segeberg - Stormarn-Mitte, to discuss the railway situation in Bargteheide. Amina Karam, general project director of the S4 project, was also present.

In addition to the joint coordination of current transport projects and the clarification of open questions about the situation at Bargteheide station, the S4 project was also a topic of the exchange. All participants were confident that the planned S-Bahn line between Hamburg-Altona and Bad Oldesloe offers the best solution for commuters.

Member of the Bundestag Melanie Bernstein also reported on the exchange here.

Friday, 14. July 2023

Open and fair communication with citizens' initiatives

Opferfest 23

DB Netz AG

A visit to the construction site with the project team and Dr. Arnold Harmsen

Open and honest communication is essential for a functioning project. At S4, critics are just as important to us as supporters. As part of this, we hold regular rounds of talks with various initiatives and institutions.

At the beginning of July, it was again time for an exchange with Dr. Arnold Harmsen, the chairman of the citizens' initiative "Lärm- und Umweltschutz Wandsbek-Marienthal". This time we visited the construction site in Hamburg-Wandsbek together with the project team and took a look at the current state of construction.

Among other things, we talked about the planning, the progress of the project and possible optimisations in construction phase 1 and beyond. We are looking forward to further talks!

Tuesday, 27. June 2023

The S4-Team wishes a blessed Eid!

Opferfest 23

Monday, 12. June 2023

Interview in the Hamburger Abendblatt with Amina Karam

Amina Karam

DB/Oliver Lang

General Project Director Amina Karam talks about the planning for construction phase 3

In an interview with the Hamburger Abendblatt, Amina Karam talks about noise protection and the Stellmoor tunnel valley in construction phase 3. Deutsche Bahn is already responding to criticism of the planned bridge construction.

"We are primarily building for the people. Nevertheless, we are working hard to find a solution to keep the visual restrictions as low as possible. The opinion of the people of Ahrensburg is important to us for this," says Amina Karam in the interview.

Read the whole article here

Friday, 21. April 2023

The S4-Team wishes a blessed Eid!

Eid 23

Friday, 14. April 2023

Display of the documents in construction section 2

On 13 April 2023, the second display of the planning approval documents for construction phase 2 started. Until 12 May 2023, you have the opportunity to obtain information on the documents at the following locations and online here:

  • Bezirksamt Wandsbek (Schloßgarten 9, 22041 Hamburg): Monday and Tuesday from 8 a.m to 12 p.m, Thursday from 8 a.m to 4 p.m.
  • Bezirksamt Bergedorf (Wentorfer Straße 38, 21029 Hamburg): Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Rathaus Norderstedt (Rathausallee 50, 22846 Norderstedt): Monday to Friday from 8.30 a.m. to 12 p.m., additionally Monday to Wednesday from 1 to 4 p.m. and Thursday from 1 to 6 p.m.
  • Amt Kisdorf (Winsener Straße 2, 24568 Kattendorf): Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., additionally Thursday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

You can also find the documents for construction phase 2 on our website here in the media centre.

Thursday, 6. April 2023

The S4-Team wishes you happy easter!

S4 Osterkarte

Wednesday, 5. April 2023

How an urban railway becomes a symbol of the mobility shift


Deutsche Bahn AG

Ute Plambeck, Amina Karam and Anjes Tjarks lift an element of the first noise barrier for the S4 together with the construction company.

Taking big steps towards the mobility shift: DB is building the first tracks and noise barriers on the S4 in Hamburg. More than 6,000 households will benefit from the new noise protection in the first construction phase alone. DB is reducing the noise by 20 decibels with noise-protection windows, soled railway sleepers and noise-protection walls. With a reduction of just ten decibels, people perceive the noise as only half as loud. The new urban railway line connects Hamburg's east with Schleswig-Holstein. DB Representative Ute Plambeck and Hamburg's Transport Senator Anjes Tjarks were on site today and gave the go-ahead for the construction of the first noise barriers.

Monday, 27. March 2023

Invitation to the digital Info Event in Section 2

Dear residents,

we would like to inform you today that our planning for section 2 of the project is progressing. We will be pleased to inform you shortly about further details regarding the display of the documents.

The second display of the planning approval documents for construction section 2 will start on 13 April 2023. Until 12 May 2023, you will have the opportunity to find out more about the documents online or at the following locations:

  • Bezirksamt Wandsbek (Schloßgarten 9, 22041 Hamburg): Monday and Tuesday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., Thursday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Bezirksamt Bergedorf (Wentorfer Straße 38, 21029 Hamburg): Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Rathaus Norderstedt (Rathausallee 50, 22846 Norderstedt): Monday to Friday from 8.30 a.m. to 12 p.m., additionally Monday to Wednesday from 1 to 4 p.m. and Thursday from 1 to 6 p.m.
  • Amt Kisdorf (Winsener Straße 2, 24568 Kattendorf): Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., additionally Thursday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

At an Info Event, we would like to inform you about everything important concerning the construction phase 2. We would like to welcome you to this digital event on Tuesday, 4 April from 6 to 8 pm. We will inform you about our construction plans, the further process and will be available to answer your questions about the S4. Prior registration is not necessary.

Direct exchange with you is important to us! During the digital event, you can simply ask your questions in the chat. Our experts from the fields of planning, construction, environment and noise protection will answer them.

To the digital Info Event

Monday, 30. January 2023

Agile construction at the S4

Agiles Bauen bei der S4

Welt.de/Bertold Fabricius

General Project Director Amina Karam at the S4 construction site in Wandsbek

Agile construction and the faster realisation of large infrastructure projects - especially in rail transport - is on everyone's lips. Amina Karam told Welt-Wirtschaftsreporter Olaf Preuß in an interview why the S4 urban railway line is a pilot project for this and how agile and flexible construction is being carried out using a wide range of methods.

You can read the whole article here.

Monday, 19. December 2022

The S4-Team wishes you Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, 9. November 2022

Agile construction on the S4: DB optimises construction sequence with two steel bridges

Einhub der Brücken

Deutsche Bahn AG

The lifting of the bridges early Saturday morning on the S4 construction site

In order for construction to continue at full speed and for trains to be able to roll along the long-distance railway tracks without major closures next year, Deutsche Bahn (DB) is optimising the construction process for the S4. During a site visit in Hasselbrook today, Hamburg's Senator for Traffic and Mobility Anjes Tjarks got an idea of the creative solution - two 27-metre-long steel bridges. Until the actual structure over the freight bypass is built at the site, DB is using two bridges from its existing stock. Experts installed them in record time over the weekend with the help of a 700-tonne crane.

Wednesday, 2. November 2022

S4 presents innovative noise protection in Ahrensburg

Amina Karam & Michael Kablitz in Ahrensburg

Deutsche Bahn AG/Peter Mantik

General Project Director Amina Karam and Head of Planning Michael Kablitz at the event in Ahrensburg

Why do we need a four-track extension of the railway line? What impact will the planned noise protection have on the townscape of Ahrensburg? DB discussed these and many other questions with citizens and experts in Ahrensburg last Thursday.

After an hour of lively exchange at seven market stands, moderator Katrin Fahrenkrug welcomed the 150 visitors in the auditorium and a further 130 viewers on the livestream. After a keynote speech by IG Tunneltal, Amina Karam, General Project Director for S4, and Michael Kablitz, head of S4 planning, presented the project and details of the third construction phase.

Wednesday, 26. October 2022

Infomation event on the S4 in Ahrensburg

On Thursday, 27 October 2022, the town of Ahrensburg will hold a public dialogue event on the expansion of the  S-Bahnlinie S4 in the region. At the invitation of the town, we from Deutsche Bahn will be there with the S4-Projectteam at the Schulzentrum am Heimgarten. Our experts on planning, noise protection, the environment and archaeology will take part in a panel discussion.  

We look forward to welcoming many of you on site and to exchanging ideas with you. We will be happy to explain all the details of the project and answer your questions. All those interested who are not present can follow the panel discussion here via livestream from 7 pm. We look forward to your active participation!

More information on the event here.

Thursday, 4. August 2022

Get a taste of practical experience: 
a visit to the S4 construction project

Those who regularly follow the construction site camera were recently able to discover something else on the construction project besides the usual work: 17 people, equipped with orange safety jackets and helmets, inspected the site on Hammer Straße. DB trainees from all over Germany and colleagues from the Hamburg railway project "Verbindungsbahnentlastungstunnel" (VET) visited the S4 project.

Marian Mischock, 30, a trainee in the infrastructure planning department in Berlin, was happy about the excursion into practice: "We all come from different backgrounds. During my studies of transport economics, I mainly dealt with the theoretical basics of the economic evaluation of transport projects. I am very happy to get to know a transport project at close quarters today".

Thursday, 21. July 2022

S4 on the road in Europe


DB Netz AG / Symbios GmbH

Hamburg's Transport Senator Anjes Tjarks visited the S4 stand (from left to right: Overall Project Manager Amina Karam, Symbios Managing Director Torsten Heid, Hamburg's Transport Senator Anjes Tjarks)

Connecting Europe Days 2022 in Lyon

More than 250.000 people will benefit from the new S4. It creates a strong rail connection between Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein. Passengers can look forward to a wider range of services and new direct connections.

But what does the project mean for Europe? Quite a lot! The S4 lies on the main transport corridor between Scandinavia and the Mediterranean. The project allows metropolises to grow closer together, creating new living and working spaces. In June, the project was presented at the Connecting Europe Days in Lyon. Deutsche Bahn and the Hanseatic City of Hamburg together represented the important transport project for northern Germany and Europe.

Friday, 27. May 2022

S4 gets a rolling info centre!

Beladung Waggon auf Transporter

DB Netz AG/Pia Haskamp

Two cranes lifted the heavyweight into the air on Tuesday morning.

Those who were on the road between Hamburg harbour and Hammer Straße late on Tuesday evening could see a real giant crawling through the streets. On a heavy transporter, an S-Bahn wagon, weighing about seven elephants, made its way to the S4 construction site. Deutsche Bahn is converting the old wagon from 1975 into an information centre for citizens. From autumn onwards, interested people will be able to find out more about the S4 between Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein in the wagon.

Monday, 2. May 2022

The S4-Team wishes a blessed Eid!

S4 Osterkarte


Thursday, 14. April 2022

The S4-Team wishes you happy easter!

S4 Osterkarte


Thursday, 3. March 2022

S4 website also in English now!


The S4 is a project of great public interest and one of the largest construction projects in northern Germany.  But the project is not only important on a national level: the Hamburg-Lübeck line is also very significant for the pan-European transport network.

To give all interested parties the opportunity to get information about the project, our website is also available in English now. You can switch between languages by clicking on the language symbol in the top right corner. 

Monday, 20. December 2021

Merry Christmas!

S4 Christmas card

S4 project team

An exciting and eventful year is now drawing to a close. The S4 project reached several milestones over the course of the past 12 months. In spring, there was the groundbreaking ceremony to mark the start of the S4's first construction phase. Another high point came when Germany's top administrative court ruled against all of the legal challenges brought against this part of the project. After this final ruling, we can now press ahead with our plans.

The entire project team is delighted to finish the year on such a positive note. Enjoy the festive season, and we hope that 2022 gets off to a great start for you.

Thursday, 28. October 2021

Vegetation control for the S4 – on tour with an environmental expert

Wherever the new S4 line has an impact on nature, conservation is always a top priority for the project team (source: Planungsgemeinschaft LaReG).

Planungsgemeinschaft LaReG

Wherever the new S4 line has an impact on nature, conservation is always a top priority for the project team.

Specialists started the job of trimming and clearing vegetation between the stations at Hasselbrook and Luetkensallee on 20 October 2021. The S4 environment team is always involved in the action.

Environmental and resource management expert Laura Schneider is part of this team. The 33 year-old project engineer focuses all of her energy on her job of protecting the environment during the construction project. To her and everyone else on the S4 team, conservation is a personal mission. "It is important to us that our work doesn't endanger plants or animals, such as the bats that live near the line," she says. Tree hollows are popular with bats because they provide refuge during winter, so checking trees for occupants is a key element in our conservation work. The S4 environment team uses a sheet of fabric to seal unoccupied hollows, while a special exit-only opening makes sure that any bats that might still be inside can get out unharmed. Thanks to this measure, we ensure that the animals cannot inadvertently pick trees slated for removal as their home for the winter.

Tuesday, 5. October 2021

The S4 is coming: 
Germany's top administrative court rejects all legal challenges.

Federal Administrative Court

Federal Administrative Court, photo: Michael Moser

Photo of the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig

The Federal Administrative Court today dismissed all actions brought against the first section of the new S4. The court ruled that the plans and planning approval decision for the project were final and that there were no procedural irregularities in the decision. Similarly, the court found that there were no legal errors in the assessment of different routing proposals, and it issued a positive preliminary judgement regarding conservation issues as "there are no insurmountable obstacles arising from conservation legislation".
Further information is available in this press release

from the Federal Administrative Court.

Tuesday, 5. October 2021

Noise from construction sites and how to shield nearby residents

Outdoor microphone

Krämer Evers

Microphones installed around the building site monitor noise levels.

Large construction sites like the S4's inevitably generate a lot of noise and vibrations. Before building starts, DB produces a noise forecast that includes the maximum range of noise emissions' transmission. The forecast incorporates site-specific features such as topography, surrounding buildings and the construction machinery that will be in use. In addition, the noise experts study the nature of the work and how long construction will continue.

Friday, 6. August 2021

A mammoth on the move


DB Netz AG

The formation rehabilitation machine in action for the S4.

Measuring 200 metres and weighing 800 tonnes, the giant among rail construction machines recently went to work for the new S4. Its mission was to renew the line's tracks between Hasselbrook and Wandsbek station. This formation rehabilitation machine is a real multi-talent.  Inch by inch, it lifts the rails and sleepers and then scoops up the ballast underneath. This enters the machine, where a complex recycling process treats the material and then deposits it on the track again. The ballast is then tamped back into place so that the rails once again sit on a secure and safe foundation. 

Friday, 18. June 2021

S4 EXTRA – part 2: Kupfermühle station gets a complete makeover

Platform 1

DB Netz AG/S4 project team

Photo of platform 1 at Kupfermühle today 

The S4 project not only consists of three planning approval sections, but it also encompasses various stand-alone measures. It is the combination of these two aspects that will ensure the region's local transport network benefits in full from the new S-Bahn line. Our S4 EXTRA series describes some of the specific measures we're planning and working on outside of the three main construction phases. The first part looked at the upgrade of Bargteheide station. Today, we want to talk about the stop at Kupfermühle.

Wednesday, 17. February 2021

Reusing tree trunks at a local primary school

Logs for Marienthal primary school
Logs for Marienthal primary school
Logs for Marienthal primary school

Last Thursday, the S4 project team gave Marienthal primary school a special kind of present: tree trunks from Wandsbeker Gehölz park in the Hamburg suburb of Wandsbek. The school received black locust and oak logs of different sizes for its adventure playground.

Friday, 29. January 2021

Construction preparations enter the home straight

Lowering the temporary bridge into place

250,000 people in and around Hamburg will benefit from the new S4. Deutsche Bahn is therefore making some more preparations on the Hasselbrook–Luetkensallee section of the route before construction is due to start in spring. These include vegetation management and clearing at Wandsbeker Gehölz park, removing two level crossings and installing a new temporary bridge over Hamburg's freight bypass line. 

Friday, 6. November 2020

The S4 gets going: construction preparations start on Monday

Court rejects four emergency appeals – DB gets the green light

Preparations for building section 1 of the new S4 line can now start on Monday 9 November with the removal of vegetation at Hammer Strasse and Hasselbrook. The first step will also include the installation of underground cables and the clearing of the construction site.

Thursday, 5. November 2020

Painting the town pink

Pink S4 posters in the city
Pink S4 posters in the city
S4 film shoot

Over the next few weeks, anyone travelling along the route of the future S4 will notice pink posters everywhere. They're the signal that the S4 is on its way!
Shortly before the construction stage starts, we will ramp up our visibility in a major way.

Wednesday, 26. August 2020

An S4 milestone

Approval of initial plans, building to start this year

Hamburg – Today was a red-letter day in the project to build the section of the S4 to Bad Oldesloe, as Germany's Federal Railway Authority gave the green light to the first construction phase. Building is scheduled to begin before the end of the year.

Tuesday, 30. June 2020

Another supplier event for the S4

Representatives from regional and nationwide construction companies joined us for our third information event about the new S4 line to Bad Oldesloe.

Wednesday, 15. January 2020

Safe rail operations

Colour light signals on a signal bracket

Deutsche Bahn AG/Volker Emersleben

Colour light signals on a signal bracket

Robert Winkel, technical equipment

Whether it's serving an intercity or suburban route, a train needs more than just a track for it to run. Deutsche Bahn's infrastructure also includes all kinds of technical equipment – the things that are essential so rail services operate smoothly and safely.

Wednesday, 18. December 2019

So, how do we make these visualisations?

The new station at Rahlstedt


The new station at Rahlstedt

To give you an idea of how the S4 might ultimately look, we project engineers make use of the latest advances in digitalisation. This is the obvious technological solution for special tasks of this kind.

Friday, 29. November 2019

The S4 from Altona to Bad Oldesloe gets the green light

Hamburg's state premier Peter Tschentscher, Schleswig-Holstein's premier Daniel Günther, German transport minister Andreas Scheuer and Deutsche Bahn's CEO Dr Richard Lutz met today in Berlin to sign the financing agreement for the construction of the S4 line through Hamburg's eastern suburbs.

Saturday, 9. November 2019

One S-Bahn for all and all for the S4!

On Tuesday evening (5 November 2019), the transport committee of Hamburg's parliament voted unanimously in favour of constructing the new S4 between Hamburg and Bad Oldesloe.

Friday, 8. November 2019

Planning documents go on display for planning approval section 2

The new S4 will run between Hamburg and Bad Oldesloe. The formal planning approval procedure for section 2, between Luetkensallee and the border between Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein, has now started, and the relevant documents are available for public viewing.
This stage is an essential element of the construction approval process, and ordinary citizens now have the opportunity to scrutinise section 2's planning documents as part of the formal public participation stage. 

Tuesday, 24. September 2019

Public display starts of planning revision documents for planning approval section 1 (route and light levels report)

The planning revision documents for section 1 go on public display at two local government buildings on 25 September 2019. The documents will also be available online. In 2018, the early stage of the public consultation process entailed a large number of discussions and a meeting with people living along the planned rail line. Following on from this, the project team has spent the past few months focusing on one particular issue for section 1: plans in the vicinity of the new rail route. 

Saturday, 1. June 2019

S4 EXTRA – part 1: remodelling Bargteheide station

Bargteheide station.

Bargteheide station

The S4 project includes scores of standalone measures that, when combined, will ensure the region's local transport network benefits in full from the new S-Bahn line. Our S4 EXTRA series describes some of the specific measures we're planning and working on outside ofthe three main planning phases.

Wednesday, 14. November 2018

A new milestone in the S4 project

Germany's transport ministry has designated the construction of the S4 line between Hamburg and Bad Oldesloe as a central priority in the country's national transport plan for 2030. This will mean additional support (including financing) for the work of the planning team overseen by project manager Bettina Gnielinski.

Friday, 13. July 2018

Infobus on tour

Demonstrating the noise simulator

Demonstrating the noise simulator

On Wednesday, 11 July 2018, our infobus for major projects was in central Ahrensburg to give the town's residents the chance to learn more about the S4. Lots of people were interested in the project so, despite the occasionally heavy rain, they turned up to see what the (sheltered and dry) interior of the bus had in store.

Monday, 25. June 2018

A resounding success: the information event about planning approval section 2

Information event about planning approval section 2

Information event about planning approval section 2

Last Friday, 22 June 2018, the S4 project team took questions from around 150 people at a public information event about section 2 (from Luetkensallee to the border between Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein) between 4:30 and 7:30 pm.

Monday, 7. May 2018

A job well done:
the S4 project team is satisfied with the public consultation for planning approval section 1

Public consulatation for planning approval section 1

Public consultation for planning approval section 1

The public consultation for section 1 between Hasselbrook and Luetkensallee took place from 9 to 17 April in the auditorium of a Catholic educational institution in central Hamburg.

Friday, 20. April 2018

No asset operator, no S4! The role that route asset management in Hamburg plays in the project.


Michael Hibner, route asset manager for Hamburg, DB Netz AG

When people talk about the construction of the new S-Bahn line, the S4, DB Netz AG always comes up as the party in charge of seeing the project through. But who actually owns the line once it has been completed? And who will see to its upkeep, ensure that rail services are punctual and safe, and make sure that planners address all of the concerns of the maintenance and operations staff?

Tuesday, 12. December 2017

There's more to this than tracks and trains

Knut Marscholek-Uecker, Construction and Facility Management, DB Station&Service AG

The S4 is a suburban rail service. It wouldn't be a service if it didn't transport passengers. There's only one way for the passengers to board the S4's trains: at the stations. In other words, stations are just as important as the trains and tracks.

Tuesday, 28. November 2017

Just how does the S-Bahn's electricity supply work, and what is the S4's special feature?

Trains on the S4 line will be able to use both direct current and alternating current.

Trains on the S4 line will be able to use both direct current and alternating current.

Simon Diestel, DB Energie GmbH

Ever since the 1930s, Hamburg's suburban trains have run on 1,200 volts of direct current. They get this power from what is known as a third rail, a conductor installed beside the running rails. A "collector shoe" mounted on each vehicle connects to the third rail. At present, there are 26 converter stations next to S-Bahn lines throughout Hamburg, i.e. one roughly every five to six kilometres. They convert 25,000 volts of alternating current into 1,200 volts of direct current which can be fed into the third rails.

Wednesday, 25. October 2017

S4 panel discussion focuses on freight transport

Lively interest: around 140 guests came to the panel discussion in auditorium 8 of Wandsbek's UCI cinema complex

Lively interest: around 140 guests came to the panel discussion in auditorium 8 of Wandsbek's UCI cinema complex

On Monday 23 October 2017, around 140 guests gathered at auditorium 8 of Wandsbek's UCI cinema complex to discuss the S4. Freight transport was the main topic of the evening. DB Netz AG invited people living near the new line and other interested parties so we could clarify their questions. The participants also got the chance to exchange views with the project's experts. That was the clear from the moderator's introduction: "We want to look at your concerns in depth and from different angles."

Monday, 28. August 2017

Now it's your turn...

S-Bahn station

Cordula Kropke

...to say what you think. A woman who takes an interest in our S4 blog and commutes using the RB 81 line (which the S4 will largely replace) recently took the time to tell us how she sees the plans for the new suburban rail service. Her observations are like short stories, complete with a hint of humour, amusing turns of phrase and details from her personal life. They're well worth sharing, so we've added two of them to our blog today.

Tuesday, 20. June 2017

"Day-to-day stuff" 

If anyone ever asks us what we're currently working on, our team is banned from answering "Oh, the usual day-to-day stuff." All the same, that's what I'd like to talk about in this blogpost.

I'm a "peng", or project engineer, and I'm part of DB Netz AG's project management team for the S4 link between Hamburg and Bad Oldesloe.

I work in Hamburg, yes, but what do I actually do?

Friday, 9. June 2017

Reindeer hunters from the late Ice Age

Experts from Schleswig-Holstein's state archaeology office working at the Brauner Hirsch site


Experts from Schleswig-Holstein's state archaeology office working at the Brauner Hirsch site

Michael Bruckmann, project engineer

Reindeer hunters from the late Ice Age...

...have been keeping our project team busy since it became known that a bridge was going to take the place of the Brauner Hirsch level crossing outside Ahrensburg. This is the location of the Ahrensburg tunnel valley, one of the most important sites in northern Europe for Palaeolithic archaeology.

19.10.2024Construction site camera on section 1